Football enthusiasts, rejoice! The iconic football manga, Captain Tsubasa, has joined forces with The Sandbox to bring you an exclusive series of avatars – the “Tsubasa Team Collection.” With a whopping 2060 avatars in the lineup, featuring Tsubasa’s legendary middle school team “Nankatsu,” Hyuga’s formidable middle school squad “Toho” from the original series, and even some exclusive goalkeeper avatars, this collection is a dream come true for fans of the series.
Rarity Tiers and Unique Traits:
Each avatar in the ‘Tsubasa Team Avatar Collection’ is meticulously crafted, with varying levels of rarity based on their distinct traits and aesthetics. Here’s a breakdown of the rarity tiers:
- Fans: 50%
- Super-Sub: 30%
- Starting Eleven: 15%
- Captain: 5%
But that’s not all! The collection also boasts a set of hand-crafted 1/1 avatars, ensuring that every character is a unique masterpiece in its own right.
Dynamic Digitized Personalities:
What truly sets these avatars apart is their ability to mimic Tsubasa’s signature moves and style. From dynamic running and dribbling animations to the explosive volley shot, each avatar brings the essence of Captain Tsubasa to life in the digital realm. It’s like having a piece of the action right at your fingertips!
Football-Themed Wearables:
Upon acquiring an avatar, you’ll unlock a treasure trove of football-themed experiences. The Sandbox offers a diverse range of wearables for your avatar, allowing you to customize and personalize your virtual football star to your heart’s content. It’s a chance to create a one-of-a-kind representation of your favorite character.
The Future of Captain Tsubasa on The Sandbox:
Hold onto your seats because the excitement doesn’t end here! All avatar holders will gain exclusive access to thrilling battle-type game experiences that are set to be unveiled in the upcoming “Captain Tsubasa LAND.” Additionally, you’ll be among the first to dive into the games that are in the pipeline for The Sandbox Metaverse. It’s a golden opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Captain Tsubasa like never before.
The collaboration between Captain Tsubasa and The Sandbox has given rise to a truly exceptional experience for fans and gamers alike. With a vast array of avatars, each boasting its own unique traits and animations, this collection is a must-have for any true football aficionado. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the action – grab your avatar today and step onto the virtual pitch with Captain Tsubasa!